Emergency Food & Shelter Program (EFSP)
To supplement emergency food and shelter programs here in the North Bay, the National EFSP Board has chosen Sonoma, Lake and Mendocino Counties to receive funding from the U. S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Each county is represented by a Local Board that distributes the appropriated funds.
That’s where United Way of the Wine Country steps in to help, by leveraging our experience and expertise to effectively manage funding requests from local agencies to assist people experiencing economic emergencies.
Organizations wishing to apply for EFSP Funding must:
Be a non-profit or public agency;
Have a voluntary Board, if a private non-profit agency;
Practice non-discrimination and not require religious services or payment for the receipt of services;
Not charge clients for EFSP services;
Not require an individual to attend counseling activities as a condition of assistance;
Not conduct lobbying activities using EFSP funds;
Not act as a vendor for itself or other EFSP-funded agency, except for shared maintenance fees for food banks;
Have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and shelter programs (not start up programs); and,
Have a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and a federal DUNS number.
Links to applications for Phase 39 and ARPA-R are available below. Qualifying agencies are urged to apply.
For more information, please call (707) 528.4485 or email UWWC.CustomerService@unitedwaywinecountry.org.
Applications & Forms
Preview Sonoma County EFSP Phase 39 and ARPA-R Application
Preview Lake and Mendocino County EFSP Phase 39 and ARPA-R Application
Log On/Create an Account to Apply
Phase 39 & APRP-R EFSP Program Budget Template
Local Recipient Organization’s (LRO) Responsibilities
EFSP Phase 35 Manual – The EFSP National Manual outlines Local Recipient Organization’s (LRO) responsibilities (p 33) and eligible/ineligible costs (p 58).
Phase 39 Addendum to Program Manual – COMING SOON
Phase ARPA-R Addendum to Program Manual – COMING SOON
DUNS – This form provides instructions on how to obtain a DUNS number. This process can take several weeks to complete so please review immediately if you are in need of a DUNS number.
Applicant Workshop Materials
Applicant Workshop PowerPoint – please review before submitting an application
Emergency Food and Shelter Program Changes/New Guidance
For more information on assessing a housing/shelter program, visit Housing First.