Earn it! Keep it! $ave It!
United Way of the Wine Country’s Free Tax Support Has Helped Local Families and Individuals Get Back More Than $100M in Tax Refunds.
FREE 2024-2025 Tax Preparation
FREE for households earning around $79,000 or less
FREE support provided by advanced certified tax preparers
FREE in-person or drop-off tax preparation available, at select sites
FREE ITIN assistance and support
Services NOT Available for:
Married filing separate tax filing status
Self-employment income, if any of the following apply:
Have employees
Carry over inventory
Expenses greater than $35,000
Have a net loss for the year
Have business use of home expenses
Adoption of children
Net Operating Loss [NOS] from prior years
Farm or foreign income
SEP, SIMPLE and other qualified plans
Clergy income
PG&E Settlement money

IN JANUARY 2025 - CALL to Make a Free Tax Appointment:
(Once you have possession of all required tax documentation*)
Sonoma: Dial 2-1-1 OR 800-325-9604
For all other counties, please call the phone numbers below. If your call goes to voicemail, please leave a message with your name and phone number.
Mendocino/Lake: 707-467-3236 (North Coast Opportunities)
Willits: 707-456-9418 (Nuestra Allianza de Willits)
Humboldt & Del Norte: 707-443-9747 (Humboldt Senior Resource Center)
*Clients with incomplete paperwork at time of appointment cannot be filed.
FREE Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) APPLICATION AND RENEWAL SERVICES AVAILABLE – When you prepare your taxes with us!
An Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number available to individuals who do not have, and are not eligible to get, a Social Security number (SSN). The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issues ITINs, and ITINs are issued regardless of immigration status.
Applying for an ITIN is an opportunity to reach financial goals. It allows holders to open a bank account and become eligible for tax credits like the California Earned Income Tax Credit.
To apply for an ITIN for FREE, dial 2-1-1 to make a tax appointment with us. During your appointment we will start your tax return and then give you contact information to make an appointment with our trusted Certified Acceptance Agent (CAA) partners who will apply you for, or renew, your ITIN. After you receive your ITIN from the IRS, your CAA will then complete your tax return with the state as well.
Do I need an ITIN?
Does the following apply to you?
You do not have a SSN and are not eligible to obtain one, and
You have a requirement to furnish a federal tax identification number or file a federal tax return, and
You are in one of the following categories:
Nonresident alien who is required to file a U.S. tax return
U.S. resident alien who is (based on days present in the United States) filing a U.S. tax return
Dependent or spouse of a U.S. citizen/resident alien
Dependent or spouse of a nonresident alien visa holder
Nonresident alien claiming a tax treaty benefit
Nonresident alien student, professor or researcher filing a U.S. tax return or claiming an exception
Benefits of an ITIN
1. Opening a Bank Account
2. Securing The Power of Residency
3. Obtaining a Driver's License
4. Applying for a Credit Card
5. Securing Loans
6. Transferring Social Security Income Earned to Your New Social Security Number When You Obtain One

Bring to Your Appointment:
Original photo ID for taxpayer and spouse
Social Security card or ITIN for each person on tax return – copies accepted
Copy of previous year’s tax return (if you filed and if available)
All tax forms including W-2, 1099-NEC, 1099-MISC, or records of cash earned for all jobs – see full list of tax forms below
Checking and/or savings account information including routing numbers for direct deposit refunds
Information about childcare provider(s) –including name, address, ID number, and phone number
Records of charitable contributions – if you itemize, bring receipts for all cash and non-cash donations
Clients with insufficient or missing paperwork at appointment may be turned away and asked to reschedule for when they have all paperwork.
List of Tax Forms
This list includes all possible tax forms. For your tax filing appointment, only bring the forms you receive for the 2024 tax year.
NOTE: Eligible filers may also receive FREE assistance filing taxes for Tax Years 2022 and 2023.To do so, filers must bring income documents for each year.
W2 (salary income)
1099-NEC (wages and pay)
1099-MISC (wages and pay)
1098 (mortgage interest)
SSA-1099 (social security)
1098-T (tuition statement; mailed to students OR found in student portal)
1099-INT (savings interest)
1099-G (unemployment benefits)
1099R (pension and annuity)
2024 unemployment documents
Possible Special Credits:
You must file taxes to qualify for State and Federal Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC) and other valuable credits available to working families and individuals:
Did you pay for childcare/ dependent care?
If so, bring information about the provider, including address, phone number, and EIN or Social Security number, if an individualDo you own a home?
If so, bring proof of mortgage interest and property tax informationDo you own a car and use it for work?
If itemizing expenses instead of the standard deduction, bring proof of DMV tax expensesDid you pay for education expenses, including tuition, fees, books, etc. for a student enrolled at an eligible educational institution?
If so, bring Form 1098-T along with a list of expenses and associated receipts.
Volunteers Wanted
For the 2024 tax season, the majority of our volunteer activities will be conducted face-to-face at a tax site. Limited remote volunteer opportunities may also be available at some sites. More information will be provided to volunteers upon registration and at pre-season orientation sessions held at each tax site prior to opening!
Tax Preparer: Prepare income tax returns using IRS- issued TaxSlayer Pro Online software, communicate with clients regarding any tax documents that are missing, quality review the work of other volunteers (if experienced.) All tax returns prepared receive a quality review and is then e-filed only by your Site Coordinator; you simply help put tax information into TaxSlayer for the client! Help filers learn about ways to save and stretch their refunds, provide referrals to other services. Must be a U.S. citizen.
Intake Coordinator (Greeter): Welcome and assist clients with check in upon arrival at the tax site at their appointment time, making sure they have everything that is required and that they will need for a successful tax appointment. Must be a U.S. citizen.
Interpreter (Spanish): Assist in translating languages for both volunteers and filers, as well as Site Coordinators. Does NOT have to be a U.S. citizen.
Experience using computers (beyond email, comfortable with software, etc.)
Time to commit a minimum of 3 hours per week from late-January through April (you can volunteer at multiple sites if you want to or in various volunteer roles as well)
Strong interpersonal and verbal communication skills, in English or Spanish.
VITA is a meaningful, unique experience for the volunteers and filers. As a volunteer, you’ll:
Build your resumé by certifying as an IRS certified Tax Preparation volunteer, or Intake Coordinator, or Site Coordinator
Empower our hard-working, low-to-moderate income earning neighbors to access important tax refunds at no cost while learning about other resources to help them thrive financially!
Learn valuable, lifelong skills while making great friends and helping a local non-profit serve those who need it the most in the community!
Help clients access a free Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) application or renewal for free with a trusted Certified Acceptance Agent (CAA).
If you have any questions while completing the Volunteer Registration, please feel fill out the form below and someone will get back to you within a day or two.